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3rd International Symposium on Oil Shale Exploration and Development Technology Second round announcement

The 3rdInternational Symposium on Oil Shale Exploration and Development Technology will take place on December 14-16, 2018 in Changchun, Jilin Province. The conference will be hosted by Jilin University and undertaken by National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of In-situ Conversion, Drilling and Exploitation Technology for Oil Shale, the College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University and Strategic Alliance for Exploration and Exploitation of Oil Shale. Aiming to share and exchange new opinions and results and to explore the cooperative research in the field of oil shale, this conference is going to gather the researchers in the field of oil shale exploration and development technology around the world.

The theme of this symposium will focus on the current situation and development of oil shale exploration and development technology. Experts and scholars from several countries are invited to introduce their latest research result, make an extensive exchange on the exploitation technology of oil shale in China and have a discussion about the hot topics of the symposium.



Main topics

² Resource Evaluation

² Oil Shale and shale oil Properties

² Simulation Technology

² Surface Processing

² In-situ Processing

² Socioeconomic Impact and Policy

² Comprehensive utilization technologies

² Environmental protection

² Related topics of oil and gas resources


² 油页岩的资源评价

² 油页岩和页岩油的性质

² 油页岩开发模拟技术

² 油页岩地面干馏技术

² 油页岩地下原位转化技术

² 政策及社会经济影响

² 油页岩综合利用技术

² 相关的环境保护技术

² 油气资源领域的相关主题


² Jilin University


² National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of In-situ Conversion, Drilling and Exploitation Technology for Oil Shale

² The College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University

² Strategic Alliance for Exploration and Exploitation of Oil Shale


² Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute

² Oil and Gas Resource Research Center, China Geological Survey

² Petro China Planning & Engineering Institute (CPPEI)

² Fushun Mining Group Co. Ltd

² Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering

² Taiyuan University of Technology

² Bureau of geologic exploration and mineral development of Jilin province

² Jilin Zhongcheng Oil Shale Investment and Development Co., Ltd.

² Northeast Electric Power University















Time and Venue

² Time: December 14-16, 2018

² Venue: Huatian Hotel, Changchun city, China


² 大会时间:2018年12月14日至16日

² 大会地点:中国∙吉林∙长春∙华天大酒店

Call for Papers

Authors who wish to give Oral presentation or Poster could submit abstract(s) of no less than 300 words. The deadline for abstracts submission isNovember 30, 2018.The authors of acceptedpresentations shouldsubmittwocopiesoftheirabstractsby emailwithWord(.doc)andAcrobat(.pdf)formatsrespectively.All“Oil shale symposiumpaper” at the subject line).



Oral presentation and Poster

Oral Presentations will be a minimum of 15 and a maximum 20 minutes long depending upon the number of abstracts accepted. Upon acceptance, authors will be notified about the duration of their presentation. All presentations must be in PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) to ensure problem-free operation during the symposium.

Posters should be approximately 59*84 mm, about A1 landscape.